Preventing Pet Dental Problems: Tips for At-Home Care and Dental Checkups

Just like with humans, pet dental care can be important. With the right pet dental care you can greatly reduce the risk of various problems. At our veterinary clinic, you can work with a “Brazilian veterinarian near me” to help clean your pet’s teeth. We can also help you learn how to provide at-home care. Visit our team at Animal Kingdom Veterinary Center, serving Boca Raton, FL, and other areas nearby for more information.

Pets and Dental Health

Sometimes, people think that pets don’t require dental care. It is true that oral health issues aren’t as common in pets compared to people. Humans live for a long time, so they need their teeth to last for many decades. Also, people often eat sugary foods and sugar can spur the growth of bacteria that produce acids that can cause cavities and other issues. Still, dental issues can be a risk for pets.

You can have a vet clean your animal’s teeth and check over his gums. If a problem is emerging, early intervention could save your pet from a lot of pain. Pet dental care might also help you keep veterinary care bills lower. Serious oral health issues can be difficult to treat and may require treatments like surgery.

Pet Dental Care Tips

Sugar is often bad for cats, dogs, and other pets. Generally speaking, you should avoid feeding your pets human foods as well. Not only can they increase the risk of dental issues but it may also fuel obesity and increase the risk of other health issues like diabetes.

Brushing at home can help with pets just like with humans. You can also find dental chew toys at pet stores.

Help Ensure Good Dental Health at Every Age

Oral health issues can crop up at any age but they tend to become more common among older pets. By taking pet oral health seriously when welcoming a new kitten or puppy into your family, you might prevent serious issues later on. Additionally, by getting your pet used to things like toothbrushing while they are young, you might make it easier to provide care when they are older.

Get Pet Dental Care from a Brazilian Veterinarian

Schedule an appointment with us at Animal Kingdom Veterinary Center in Boca Raton, FL, if you need help with pet dental care. A “Brazilian veterinarian near me” is here to help. Call us at (561) 990-7414 for more information.